

Nikon uppdaterar!

Nikon har ännu en gång släppt en ny firmware till sina kameror och det är återigen Z6 & Z7 som får en uppdatering. Den här gången är det videorelaterat och en världsnyhet i form av överföring av RAW-video via HDMI ur en spegelfri kamera. Vi kan förvänta oss fler uppdateringar desto mer teknik våra kameror får så se till att lära dig hur du uppdaterar din kamera!

Nikons pressrelease lyder (klicka på länken för svensk information):

Nikon today announces RAW video output will be enabled for the Z 7 and Z 6 full-frame mirrorless cameras. The upgrade comes with the release of firmware 2.20. Nikon is the first camera manufacturer to enable RAW video output direct from a full-frame mirrorless camera over HDMI.

Users of the Z 7 and Z 6 cameras will be able to output a 12-bit RAW video stream to an Atomos Ninja V external recorder, which is included in the Nikon Z 6 Essential Movie Kit.1, 2. The video stream is recorded as ProRes RAW,3 which preserves colour accuracy and extends brightness and shadow details. Video shooters will benefit from maximum flexibility in post-production without slowing down the edit: ideal for HDR workflows. After downloading the firmware 2.20 update, support for RAW video output can be installed on Z 7 and Z 6 cameras at Nikon service centres with a SEK 2150 fee.

Otherwise this service will be free of charge on all Nikon Z 6 cameras that were purchased as part of the Z 6 Essential Movie Kit.4. Superior image quality is the foundation of the Nikon Z series, and enabling RAW output via HDMI is a key enhancement for videographers of every kind. The Z series will continue to respond to changing user needs and offer next-generation features through future firmware updates.

Läs mer här:  Nikon Press & Supportcenter